Ya están las notas y los certificados

Pues eso, que ya podéis pasaros por la Secretaría del Centro (por las mañanas) a recoger vuestros certificados. Para que se los enseñeis a vuestros hijos, a vuestras amistades, a vuestros padres, a los ingleses cuando no os entiendan.....

Buen verano.

SESION 51: 10 de Junio de 2010

Have a great summer holidays!

VIDEO: "Do you speak English?"

SPEAKING: We practice asking and answering some questions using verb to be, to have got, can and de Present Simple and Present Continuous.

Hemos estado hablando sobre lo que deberíais hacer este verano para ir mejorando vuestro inglés y no olvidar lo que sabéis.
  • Deberíais repasar todos los ejercicios que hemos hecho este curso, para recordar el vocabulario y la gramática. Podéis utilizar el libro y los discos y también los materiales colgados en este blog.
  • También podéis seguir en orden las lecciones que aparecen en los cursos graduados de las páginas de La mansión del inglés , de Inglés Mundial y de Saber Inglés. Deberíais hacer todas las lecciones correspondientes al nivel uno, por orden.
  • Igualmente podéis practicar los distintos aspectos de la lengua inglesa (gramática, vocabulario, escucha...) en esas páginas eligiendo la opción correspondiente en el menú de la izquierda o en esta página de Oxford University Press. Pinchad sobre el libro del nivel que queráis repasar y luego elegid el tipo de ejercicios. Podeis practicar el nivel Beginner.
  • Pero lo más importante es que leáis y escuchéis textos en inglés. Os dejaré algunos enlaces para poder trabajar estos aspectos.
Breakingnewsenglish. Textos escritos , con audio incluido y con ejercicios para hacer después.
Real English: Vídeos con diálogos organizados por temas gramaticales y tiempos verbales y con ejercicios para practicar.
Mr. Duncan. Vídeos con explicaciones en inglés sobre el uso de ciertas palabras y sinónimos y antónimos de las mismas.
Periódicos ingleses o de EEUU
Emisoras de radio
Programas de TV

  • En cuanto a SPEAKING, en cuanto tengáis ocasión de hablar con alguien en inglés hacedlo y si no la tenéis, ya sabeis, hablad con vosotros mismos o con vuestro amigo imaginario. Eso también sirva para ir practicando.
  • Podéis usar un diccionario on line, como Wordreference, que es muy completo.

Have a good summer and practice your English!

SESION 50: 7 de Junio de 2010

We are learning the Present Continuous now

SONG: We listen to a new song, "Don't speak" by No Doubt..We correct the words and translate it.
VOCABULARY: Actions nº 3.
EXERCISES: We correct exercises pag. 54
UNIT 9: Can
GRAMMAR: Modal verb CAN
SPEAKING: We say some sentences using the Present Continuous and can

Next Thursday we have got our last class in this course. See you

SESION 49: 31 de Mayo de 2010

We are learning a lot of English

SONG: We listen to a new song, "Don't speak" by No Doubt
VOCABULARY: Actions nº 3. We read the words and translate them.
UNIT 8: Present Continuous
SPEAKING: We say some sentences using the Present Continuous
HOMEWORK: Study the actions

Next Thursday is a holiday. Please, study the Present Simple and the actions. Have a good weekend

SESION 48: 24 de Mayo de 2010

When does Luis Miguel have breakfast?

SONG: We listen to a new song, "Don't speak" by No Doubt
EXERCISES: We correct Pag. 53 . Ex. 12B and C and, pag. 52 ex. 9D
VOCABULARY: Daily routines and meals
UNIT 6: Pag. 55, 55
SPEAKING: I ask you some questions about the reading in Present Simple
HOMEWORK: Pag. 54, Extra practice unit 5

Please, study the Present Simple and the actions. Have a good weekend

SESION 47: 24 de Mayo de 2010

When do you have breakfast?

SONG: We listen to a new song, "Don't speak" by No Doubt
EXERCISES: We correct ex. 9B, 9C (pag. 51)
VOCABULARY: Daily routines and meals
GRAMMAR: Present Simple, affirmative, negative, interrogative
UNIT 6: Pag. 50, 51, listenings and pag. 52
SPEAKING: When do you have ....?
HOMEWORK: Pag. 53 . Ex. 12B and C

Please, study again the verbs because we need them to speak in Present Simple, and the adverbs of frecuence

SESION 46: 20 de Mayo de 2010

What time do you get up? She usually gets up at seven o'clock

We listen to a new song, "Don't speak" by No Doubt
: I give you your marks. They are good
EXERCISES: We correct ex. 5B (pag. 49)
VOCABULARY: Daily routines
GRAMMAR: Present Simple, affirmative, negative, interrogative
UNIT 6: Pag. 48, 50, 51.
SPEAKING: In pairs, you aks each other What time do you.......?
SPEAKING GAME: You try to guess Who am I? asking yes/no questions
HOMEWORK: Pag. 49, Ex. 5B and extra practice unit 5

Please, study again the verbs because we need them to speak in Present Simple, and the adverbs of frecuence

SESION 45: 13de Mayo de 2010

How much is it? How much are they?

TEST: you have a test about unit 4
SPEAKING: How much is it?. I give you a sheet with some pictures of things you can buy. You have to put the names and the prices. Then you ask the prices, each other.
GRAMMAR: Adverbs of frecuence
UNIT 6: Pag. 49.
HOMEWORK: Pag. 49, Ex. 5B and extra practice unit 5

Please, study again the verbs because we need them to speak in Present Simple

SESION 44: 13de Mayo de 2010

Your ideas are very important

EXERCISES: We correct exercises from Pag.80 and 81
QUESTIONNAIRE: Os he preguntado algunas preguntas para evaluar este curso y hacer propuestas para el próximo. Vuestras ideas serán llevadas a la reunión de delegados de la próxima semana por vuestro delegado, Alberto.
PRONUNTIATION: Here you are a new Avatar of pronuntiation. Click on the picture to use it.

You can find it in "Enlaces de interés"
HOMEWORK: Study unit 4

See you next Monday and you'll do the test.

SESION 43: 10 de Mayo de 2010

I usually get up at seven o'clock in the morning

EXERCISES: We correct exercises from Pag. 46
UNIT 5: Pag. 46 Listening and pag. 47 Reading
SPEAKING: You ask your partners some questions. What's your name? Where do you live? What colour do you like? and they answer.
GRAMMAR: Adverbs of frecuency
HOMEWORK: Pag. 80, 81

Study unit 4 for the test.

SESION 42: 6 de Mayo de 2010

Wellcome, Pedro. Where were you?

SPEAKING: We speak about Pedro. He was looking after their grandchildren. Then I ask you a question: What were you doing yesterday afternoon? and you answer: I was studying...
VOCABULARY: Rooms of the house, Furniture and Ordinal Numbers. I show you some cards with furniture and ask you a question: What is it? Where is it? and you answer.
EXERCISES: We correct exercises from Pag. 44 (12B,C) and 45 13 (B,C) and Extra practice unit 4.
GRAMMAR: Present Simple and Present Continuous
SPEAKING: We play a game: you act out an action and we have to guess it asking: Are you cooking? Are you swimming? and you have to answer: Yes, I am or No, I am not. (This is to use the Present Continuous)
Later we use de Present Simple to speak about we usually do, our habits: I teach English at this school.....
UNIT 5: pag. 46. Review word list.
HOMEWORK: Pag. 46 (Review)

See you next week. Have a good weekend!

SESION 41: 3 de Mayo de 2010

Who am I? Do you like coffe? Yes, I do.....

VOCABULARY: Rooms of the house, Furniture and Ordinal Numbers
EXERCISES: We correct exercises from Pag. 44 (11B y C)) , pag. 79
BOOK: Unit 5. Pag. 42 (Listening 7); Pag. 44 Ex. 12B,C; pag. 45
GRAMMAR: Object pronouns
UNIT 5: pag. 44, 45
SPEAKING: I like .... ing.... Do you like .. ing?
We play a game: Who am I? You have to guess the person
HOMEWORK: Pag. 44 (12B,C) and 45 13 (B,C). Extra practice unit 4

You have to remember all the actions to speak in Present Simple. See you next Thursday.

SESION 40: 29 de Abril de 2010

I like reading and Esther likes swimming

SPEAKING: Begoña and Esther speak about their tour
VOCABULARY: Rooms of the house, Furniture and Ordinal Numbers
EXERCISES: We correct exercises from Pag. 43 (8B, 9B)) and pag. 78
BOOK: Unit 5. Pag. 42 (Listening 6), Pag. 44
GRAMMAR: Object pronouns
VIDEO: "That's my husband"

HOMEWORK: Pag. 44 (11B, C)

Esther and Begoña are tired. They were in Palencia yesterday. Where is Ana? See you next Monday.

SESION 39: 26 de Abril de 2010

There are two lamps in the toilet. I don't like them.

SONG: We listen to the song "Hand in my pocket" by Alanis Morissette. and we correct the words and we translate it.
TEST: I give you your marks
ACTION GAME: We remember some verbs and put them in Present Simple
GRAMMAR: Present Simple, afirmative, negative, interrogative. Past of verb TO BE, TO HAVE GOT and CAN.
VOCABULARY: Rooms of the house, Furniture and Ordinal Numbers
BOOK: Unit 5. Pag. 40 (Listening 2 A), Pag. 42 and 43
EXERCISES: We correct exercises from Pag. 41 (4B, 5B))
SPEAKING: Where is the bed? The bed is in the bedroom. I have got a rug in my living-room. There are two lamps in the toilet.
HOMEWORK: Pag. 78 and 79, pag. 43 (8b and 9b)

See you next Thursday. Practice with the Present Simple.

SESION 38: 22 de Abril de 2010

I love him

We remember some verbs and put them in Present Simple
GRAMMAR: Present Simple and Object pronouns
SONG: We listen to a new song "Hand in my pocket" by Alanis Morissette.
TEST: Unit 3
EXERCISES: Pag. 41 (4B, 5B))
SPEAKING: I choose her, She likes it....
VOCABULARY: Rooms of the house
BOOK: Unit 4. Pag. 40 (Listenings)
HOMEWORK: Please, study the Present Simple and de vocabulary

SESION 37: 15 de Abril de 2010

Where do you live?

We remember some verbs and put them in Present Simple
GRAMMAR: Present Simple
SONG: We listen to a new song "Hand in my pocket" by Alanis Morissette.
SPEAKING: Where do you live?
VOCABULARY: Rooms of the house
BOOK: Unit 4. Pag. 41
HOMEWORK: Pag. 41. Ex. 4b, 5b
VIDEO: "Where are you from?"

Next Monday there is no class. Next Thursday there is an exam about unit 3. Please study it.