SESION 42: 6 de Mayo de 2010

Wellcome, Pedro. Where were you?

SPEAKING: We speak about Pedro. He was looking after their grandchildren. Then I ask you a question: What were you doing yesterday afternoon? and you answer: I was studying...
VOCABULARY: Rooms of the house, Furniture and Ordinal Numbers. I show you some cards with furniture and ask you a question: What is it? Where is it? and you answer.
EXERCISES: We correct exercises from Pag. 44 (12B,C) and 45 13 (B,C) and Extra practice unit 4.
GRAMMAR: Present Simple and Present Continuous
SPEAKING: We play a game: you act out an action and we have to guess it asking: Are you cooking? Are you swimming? and you have to answer: Yes, I am or No, I am not. (This is to use the Present Continuous)
Later we use de Present Simple to speak about we usually do, our habits: I teach English at this school.....
UNIT 5: pag. 46. Review word list.
HOMEWORK: Pag. 46 (Review)

See you next week. Have a good weekend!

4 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

It´s correct "ansking", I think it¨s
Please I need the solucition.
Thank you.

Anónimo dijo...

Sorry I forgot to put "?J" on my
question, excuse me.

Concha Pérez dijo...


Of course, it is ASKING, I had a problem with my fingers when I was writing this word.

Pherhaps you had the same problem when you wrote SOLUCITION instead of SOLUTION.

See you.

Anónimo dijo...

Thanks Concha you are righ.
Till Monday.