SESION 23: 28 de Enero de 2010

I have got two daughters. Their hair is brown


VOCABULARY: Colours, Parts of the body, family
SONG: Turn, turn, turn" by JUDY COLLINS.
ACTION GAME: We study new verbs and remember some verbs with cards
EXERCISES: We correct ex. from pag. 75 (Unit2)
SPEAKING: about the family, using verbs TO BE and TO HAVE GOT.
UNIT 3 : Pag. 26, 27 Ex. 6 and 7. Listening
GRAMMAR: Countables/Uncountables and some/any

HOMEWORK: Pag. 28 Ex. 8B, 9B

See you next week. Have a good time with your family.

SESION 22: 25 de Enero de 2010

How many words have you got? I've got......

SONG: Turn, turn, turn" by JUDY COLLINS.
SPEAKING: How many words have you got? I've got......
ACTION GAME: We study new verbs and remember some verbs with cards
VOCABULARY: Colours, Parts of the body, family
EXERCISES: We correct ex. from pag. 26, 27 (Unit 3 ) and pag. 22, 74 (Unit2)

Please, study the new vocabulary and verb TO HAVE GOT.

SESION 21: 21 de Enero de 2010

Have you got any children? Yes, I have. How many?

GREETINGS/ Day/Month/season/year/Date/Time
ACTION GAME: We study new verbs
VOCABULARY: Colours, Parts of the body, family
Head, shoulders, knees and toes (A song to practice the parts of the body)
GRAMMAR: Possesive Adjectives
UNIT 3: Pag. 24 Ex. 1, pag. 25 and 26
We ask our classmates "Have you got any children?" and they answer
UNIT2: Pág. 22, Ex. 4 (listening) and pag. 23, Ex. 1
HOMEWORK: Pag. 25. Ex. 4C, 5B. Pag. 26, Ex. 5C and D.
You have to do exercises about Unit 2: Pag. 22, 75 and 75
SONG: Turn, turn, turn" by JUDY COLLINS.

Aquí tienes el texto de la canción con los huecos:

Please, do the exercises from unit 3, about the family and verb TO HAVE GOT. You have to do review exercises from unit 2 too.
See you next week. Have a good weekend.

SESION 20: 14 de Enero de 2010

Happy New Year!!!!

GREETINGS/ Day/Month/season/year/Date/Time
ACTION GAME: We study new verbs
VOCABULARY: Colours, Parts of the body, family
UNIT 3: Verb To have got, colours, parts of the body
We say sentences using TO HAVE GOT and the vocabulary about the family and the colours: I have got two daughters and a red car..
SONG: Turn, turn, turn" by JUDY COLLINS.

Aquí tienes el texto de la canción con los huecos:

Head, shoulders, knees and toes (A song to practice the parts of the body)

Study the verb TO HAVE GOT and the colours and the parts of the body, listening to the cd and reading your books. See you next Monday.