SESION 15: 30 de Noviembre de 2009

Personal information

GREETINGS/ Day/Date/Month/season
ACTION GAME: Digo acciones para que las repitáis y hagais los gestos
VOCABULARY: Jobs/ Ordinal numbers/ Days of the week
EXERCISES: We correct Exercises from pag. 73
GRAMMAR: Demonstrative Adjectives
SPEAKING: Nos preguntamos sobre nuestros datos personales y contestamos. Repasamos todo lo que hemos aprendido hasta ahora.
HOMEWORK: Fichas sobre el video "establecer contacto social".

Please, study unit 1 and all the actions. See you next Thursday.

5 comentarios:

juani dijo...

I can not download the program of vocabulary Jobs.

Lidia dijo...

Hello Concha¡
it´s the secon of December.
Goodbye.See you thursday

Concha Pérez dijo...

Hello Juani:

Tomorrow we can try it in the class.

See you

Co ncha Pérez dijo...

Hello Lidia:

Yes, today is the second of December, you are right.

See you on Thursday.

chelo dijo...

good afternoon concha: i´m chelo,i´m job a student, i´m twenty five year old ,and you ?
whast´s her job ? she´s a teacher

second of december
bye bye