SESION 19: 17 de Diciembre de 2009

Christmas Holidays!!!!

GREETINGS/ Day/Month/season/year/Date/Time
VOCABULARY: Jobs/ Ordinal numbers/ Days of the week
ACTION GAME: We study new verbs
TEST: You do your first exam. It's easy, I think.
We remember all the sentences we know and practice with them (in pairs you ask and answer these questions to complete a identification card)
SONG:" Twinkle, Twinkle little star" and "We wish you a Merry Christmas"

Your exams are very well. I wish you a Merry Christmast and a Happy New Year.
El lunes próximo a las doce tengo un acto protocolario en el ayuntamiento y no podré estar en clase, así que nos vemos el lunes 11 de enero del año próximo. Para los que no habeis venido hoy a clase, si queréis podéis venir a última hora de la mañana (supongo que sobre la una ya estaré de vuelta) para recoger la fichas que os hagan falta. Si a alguno le falta la nota del examen y la quiere saber que escriba un comentario y me la pregunte. Besos.

8 comentarios:

chelo dijo...

hello comcha " first exams orribilis.
second very well (espero)

merry chistmast

see you

Concha Pérez dijo...

Hello Chelo:

Don't worry.Write the words in a paper to practice.

Merry Christmas

Lidia dijo...


Concha Pérez dijo...

Thank you Lidia, the same to you.

Chelo dijo...

Hello Concha!!! I wish you all the best for the New Year 2010 hope all your dreams come true. Happy New Year for everyone!!!!
Chelo xxx

Concha Pérez dijo...

Hello Chelo: Thank you very much for your good wishes but I hope all my dreams don't come true because I haven't got no enough place for everybody. :)

juani dijo...

Hello Concha!
Happy new year two thousand and ten at all.I finally one day for me and what like to study English.
Be happy

Concha Pérez dijo...

Hello Juani.
I wish a happy New Year for everybody too.
I can't understand your second sentence very well, sorry.

See you next Monday.